Soil Pore Network Omics
Dokuchaev Phys Lab
Microbial communities – microbiome – are responsible for the most functions in natural and agricultural soils and govern transformations of organic matter. Localization of microorganisms at microscale – in pores and aggregates, as well as at the scale of soil profile define the fluxes of water, organic substances and nutrients, and so, determine the composition and functions of soil microbiome. Understanding the exceptional heterogeneity, biodiversity and activity of microbial communities driving the most biogenic processes is impossible without considering the specifics of soil pore space and aggregates structure at microscale. This project aims on specifics of taxonomic and functional composition of soil microbiome by transformation of organic substances of increasing availability depending on their localization on the pores of increasing size in the three dominants soil types of Russia.
RFBR №19-29-05260 "Structure and functions of microbiome in transformation of organic substances in pore space of natural and agricultural soils" (2019-2022):
Project Leader - Anna Yudina
Yakov Kuzyakov
Mikhail Semenov
Dmitry Fomin
Konstantin Romanenko
Valeriya Klyueva
Timofey Chernov
Alena Zhelezova
Azida Tkhakakhova
Olga Ovchinikova
Ekaterina Popova
Structure and functions of microbiome in transformation of organic substances in pore space of natural and agricultural soils
Project №19-29-05260

119017, Russian Federation, Moscow,
Pyzhyovskiy lane 7 building 2
All rights of content reserved by design studio Geometrix. Photographer Zenon Razutdinov.
The works by Rolan Gupta and Juan Pablo Bravo (thenounproject.com) were used in this template.


The third title for the post

Games played with curved sticks and a ball can be found in the histories of many cultures. In Egypt, 4000-year-old carvings feature teams with sticks and a projectile, hurling dates to before 1272 BC in Ireland, and there is a depiction from approximately 600 BC in Ancient Greece, where the game may have been called kerētízein or because it was played with a horn or horn-like stick. In Inner Mongolia, the Daur people have been playing beikou, a game similar to modern field hockey, for about 1,000 years.

Most evidence of hockey-like games during the Middle Ages is found in legislation concerning sports and games. The Galway Statute enacted in Ireland in 1527 banned certain types of ball games, including games using "hooked" (written "hockie", similar to "hooky") sticks. By the 19th century, the various forms and divisions of historic games began to differentiate and coalesce into the individual sports defined today. Organizations dedicated to the codification of rules and regulations began to form, and national and international bodies sprang up to manage domestic and international competition.